Ficus Ingens air layer - April 2017 |
It's never going to be a beauty with its two leaders, but in time I'll probably do another air layer to remove the leader growing to the right. Do I need another tree? No, but I can always sell off some of the excess when I decide which of my trees I like best.
The news isn't as good regarding the little stub which had most of the roots. It was looking promising in February, when I took this photo.
Stub with new bud - February 2017 |
Unfortunately that little bud at the base never developed into anything. Perhaps something else will still develop but I fear it may be suffering from root rot given the fact that I planted both in one pot and I've had to water according to the requirements of the tree which has foliage.
Of course the important part was always the parent tree. After removing the air layer all that was left was a thin leader with a few leaves.
Parent tree - January 2017 |
I'm reasonably happy with it's growth over the last three months.
Parent tree - April 2017 |
Sadly there are no signs of new branches lower down, but hopefully when I prune the tree it will stimulate new growth where I want it. With winter rapidly approaching, however, I have no plans to prune it any time soon.